2012年4月10日 星期二

星巴克 - 心繫地球


為喚起大眾對環境保育的關注,協力改善社區環境,香港星巴克特別推出心繫地球隨行杯曲奇套裝,由本地新晉插畫家Jeanie Leung操刀為Create Your Own Tumbler隨行杯設計藝術插圖,以獨特的手繪畫作和簡約窩心的風格宣揚環保概念。套裝內的雜錦曲奇由匡智會學員親手製作,香脆可口,提供讓智障人士發揮潛能的機會。


套裝除了包括心繫地球隨行杯及曲奇外,更附上一張由Jeanie設計的心繫地球特別版的中杯裝飲品禮券連信封,售價為$68 (價值$132)由2012年4月2日至4月23日期間您便可充當環保大使,購買心繫地球隨行杯曲奇套裝,既為環保出一分力,每次自備隨行杯購買手調飲品更可享$3扣減優惠,又能幫助社會上有需要的人士,與星巴克攜手建立更美好的社區。

To raise public awareness on environmental protection and encourage the public to join hands and improve the living environment of our community, Starbucks has specially offered a “Care For Our Planet Cookies in Tumbler Charity Set”. Included in this limited edition is an exclusive Create Your Own Tumbler artwork insert created by local talented illustrator, Jeanie Leung. The distinctive style and simplicity of Jeanie’s hand-painted drawings express the concept of environmental protection in a compelling new way. The assorted cookies enclosed in the tumblers are hand-made by trainees from Hong Chi Association. Tasty and crispy in texture, they can also provide an invaluable chance for the intellectually disabled people to uncover their potential.

Furthermore, for every set of Care For Our Planet Cookies in Tumbler Charity Set sold, Starbucks will donate HK$8 to the School of Energy and Environment of City University of Hong Kong in support of its research on valorisation of food waste for sustainable production of chemicals and materials. This research endeavors to transform disposed coffee grounds to usable bio-plastics and ingredients for detergents, facilitating the development of biomass energy in Hong Kong and largely reducing the release of greenhouse gases and other air pollutants into the atmosphere. In the long run, the problem of global warming could be alleviated in small steps.

The charity set also includes a Care For Our Planet special edition tall-sized beverage coupon designed by Jeanie with envelope, apart from the Care For Our Planet tumbler and cookies, and is priced at $68 (with original value $132). From 2nd April, 2012 to 23rd April, 2012, you can play the role of an Environmental Ambassador and give a helping hand to protect the environment by buying the Care For Our Planet Cookies in Tumbler Charity Set. You can also enjoy a HK$3 discount every time you buy a handcrafted beverage by bringing your own tumbler to Starbucks, meanwhile helping the needy in our society, and joining hands with us to build a better community. — with Crystal Yim.

